Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Gender Decision

Some people have the patience to wait until their baby is born to find out the gender, patience is a virtue I don't exhibit well. I have been anxiously awaiting the gender reveal of my baby since I found out I'm pregnant. I can't imagine waiting another 6 months to know if I am having a boy or a girl, even waiting another week feels like a daunting task.
There are a bunch of reasons why I am OK with “ruining” the surprise. First of all, the surprise wont be ruined at all, I will actually just get my surprise early... It's kind of like opening a present on Christmas Eve, its still just as fun and exciting but you don't have to wait as long!
Another reason we came to this decision has to do with shopping, while there are a lot of gender neutral options out there for strollers, high chairs and big ticket items the clothes options are limited and lets face it, part of what so many women look forward to with their babies is choosing stylish outfits for their babies. I also want to decorate the nursery in a gender specific way.
I also want to put all the guessing to rest. Being pregnant seems to be an invitation for people to make your personal decisions and choices their business. I love hearing what people that are close to me think the baby is, I don’t mine my parents or in-laws talking about the baby being a girl or a boy. But I really don’t like people commenting on how they “know” the baby is a boy or a girl and I can't stand when people tell me how its better to have a boy or a girl. My husband and I left the choice of our babies gender up to fate and we will be happy with whatever gender our baby is. Yes, we may have an image of our ideal family but we know that God's plan for our lives is better than our ideal so we are trusting Him with out family.
Finally, I feel like the connection with my baby will be stronger after I know what gender he or she is. I know I will love my baby regardless of their gender but if I connect to my baby as a girl and then the baby is born male, it might make things a little uncomfortable. I know this isn't some life changing issue but to me its something to think about.
I am not going to have a 3D ultrasound down later in my pregnancy to see what my baby look like, I'll save that for D-day. I can wait for that surprise... it will be so much more reward to see flesh and blood instead of a grainy alien like image of my baby. To me, that will be the big surprise when my baby is born.
I really respect people that can wait, I think its great that so many people have the patients to wait for their baby to be born to find out their gender its just simply not for me.
We haven't decided how we will share the news with out family but we have decided that we will find out during the ultrasound, no cutting into a cake full of pink or blue frosting for us! I need answers and I need them now!

Weeks 12 and 13

How far along? 12 and 13 Weeks
Currently Calling the baby: Baby Jerman
Total weight gain: +1
Maternity clothes? nope
Stretch marks? none
Sleep: sleeping ok on my side, using an extra pillow under my stomach and leg cause my balance seems off
Best moment this week: Picking names with Allan!
Miss Anything? Raw cookie dough
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: Cinnamon rolls.... but I still haven’t given in!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I made myself scrambled eggs the other day and threw them away after only eating a bite... just couldn't make myself eat them
Gender: ?
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Fatigue but I think its starting to get better
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy! Things do seem more overwhelming if they aren’t going right tho... like my breakdown over thinking I might have a cavity.
Looking forward to: My doctor's appointment next week and hopefully going to find out if you are a little boy or a girl!

I missed last weeks post because I was just too tired, even with a daily nap I still feel zombie like a lot... I have been trying to go to bed earlier but it doesn't always happen. This week we chose names for you so once we find out if you are a boy or a girl you will have a name! You would be surprised how much your dad cared about what we name you! I know he can have strong opinions but wow! It was so fun to talk about names and play with possible middle name options and nick names. I’m starting to notice you might be growing in there, some of my jeans are embarrassing to button but I still have a few good pair that fit and your dad bought me a new pair from Old Navy in a bigger size that I'm hoping will last me a long time and be perfect to use with a belly band! I'm anxious to see how your growing in my next ultrasound and I'm hoping the doctor might decide she was wrong and give me those 6 days back she took last time ;). 

Week 11

How far along? 11 Weeks
Currently Calling the baby: Baby Jerman
Total weight gain: none
Maternity clothes? nope
Stretch marks? none
Sleep: sleeping ok, still sleeping on my back and not looking forward to switching... maybe ill invest in a body pillow
Best moment this week: Lots of runs, telling more friends about you!
Miss Anything? Been craving a diet coke this week but I did splurge and have a diet caffeine free coke... good enough for now :)
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: nothing this week
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing
Gender: ?
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Fatigue
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but still cry at the drop of a hat!
Looking forward to: The second trimester!

This week I have started to notice more changes in my body, you are definitely going to make your presents known soon! A few more weeks and I probably wont be able to wear my per-pregnancy jeans but that’s OK with me :). We are still deciding if we will find out if you are a boy or a girl in 3 weeks or wait until our doctors appointment in the middle of November. I'm anxious to find out but I also worry about getting an extra ultrasound, we want to do what is best for you! I cant wait to see you on an ultrasound again so we can see how you are growing and developing. This week I think you might be a boy, but I'm not sure why I feel that way... maybe its a mother intuition maybe it's the influence of those around me... either way I cant wait to find out. This week we found out you are getting a new uncle! Aunt Jenna will be married to Chris before you are born so you will have an uncle! Daddy and I both have small families so you only have one uncle right now :( but you have so many wonderful Aunts that will love you and plenty of grandparents!! Everyone is anxious to meet you but lets not rush things! You have as much time as you need to grow strong and healthy. 

Weeks 9 and 10

How far along? 9-10 Weeks
Currently Calling the baby: Baby Jerman
Total weight gain: none
Maternity clothes? nope
Stretch marks? none
Sleep: sleeping ok, but I have changed to sleeping on my back but it wont last much longer...
Best moment this week: Feeling more like myself and getting some good runs in! Telling our friends!
Miss Anything? Raw cookie dough
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: mike and ikes and cinnamon rolls
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing
Gender: ?
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Some cramping and fatigue
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but quick to cry
Looking forward to: Telling friends!

Week 8

How far along? 8 Weeks
Currently Calling the baby: Baby Jerman
Total weight gain: none
Maternity clothes? nope
Stretch marks? none
Sleep: Waking up early and needing a snack to go back to bed, especially if
I don't go to bed full
Best moment this week: Seeing your little heart beat on the monitor at the doctor! Also telling my family in Colorado about you, they are all so excited!
Miss Anything? Nothing really, just trying to enjoy the new changes :)
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: chocolate chip cookies
Anything making you queasy or sick: Waiting too long to eat, that's about it. Chicken breast
Gender: ?
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Some cramping and slight bouts of nausea
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but still somewhat moody
Looking forward to: Telling friends!

This week we got to go see you on an ultrasound. It was so amazing to see your heart beating even though you are only 1.6 cms! We now have a set date for your impending arrival, you will be fully baked April 17th, 2012. Right now that feels so far away but I know you have so much to do in there so the wait is more than worth while :). I'm not sure when we will get to find out if you are a boy or a girl but I can't wait to find out. Once we know I can pick out clothes and things for you! Also I'll be able to decorate your nursery... it will be your first home so it has to be perfect!

Week 7

How far along? 7 Weeks
Currently Calling the baby: Baby Jerman
Total weight gain: none
Maternity clothes? nope
Stretch marks? none
Sleep: Waking up early and needing a snack to go back to bed, especially if I don't go to bed full
Best moment this week: All the warm wishes and love from family members who know about your impending arrival. Telling my dad and his family. And the adorable outfit from Grandma Jerman - A little pajama set with a football beanie, socks and pacifier.
Miss Anything? Not much, I would like to wake up feeling wonderful... but hopefully soon
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: sour candy and french fries.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Waiting too long to eat, that's about it
Gender: ?
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Some morning sickness and very hungry. Also some fatigue, I have
taken a nap almost every day this week
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but still a little short tempered
Looking forward to: Ultra Sound and telling Grandparents and Friends.

This week I finally was able to tell my dad about you. He is so excited and so is his wife and girls. Gabriella and Chloe even did a happy dance. You will be so loved! I cant wait to see you on ultra sound and make sure you
are growing like you should. As much as morning sickness and fatigue are annoying it is a reassuring sign that you are growing, so I don't mind so much.

Week 6

How far along? 6 Weeks
Currently Calling the baby: Baby Jerman
Total weight gain: none
Maternity clothes? nope
Stretch marks? none
Sleep: So far so good
Best moment this week: Talking about visiting Tahoe again after your born and sharing the news with our families
Miss Anything? Soda, soon this will fade away I hope....
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: sour candy, haven't wanted chocolate or caramel all week (very unusual for me)
Anything making you queasy or sick: getting too hungry, eating too much... I get full so fast hmm
Gender: ?
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Cramps and brief morning sickness (or what I think is Morning sickness)
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy but easily emotional or upset
Looking forward to: Telling my dad and grandparents this coming week!

August 23rd
We went to Lake Tahoe for an anniversary trip this week and were able to go on plenty of adventures even with a growing baby :) Rafting, parasailing, stand up paddle boarding and a short run by the lake. We went to Cabelas in Reno and bought you a hat for when your a little older and can go hunting with your dad :). Your dad is starting to talk more about you, I cant wait until he gets to see you and eventually feel you kick so he can understand more of the love I already have for you. My sister cried when she found out about you, tears of joy and excitement. We haven't stopped talking about you since. Grandma Jerman brought over the cutest football outfit for you. Complete with a football beanie, socks and pacifier. You are loved more than you know and I can wait to see you, only 13 more days.. I'll be counting the hours soon. I hope your growing big and strong in there...